Elman Family Visiting Professorship in Jewish and Israeli Studies

Mr. Richard Elman
“In a world that is becoming ever more complex as the new emerging global players look to take their positions on the stage of international politics, communication and the sharing of our different cultures and histories becomes ever more important as a means through which we can gain a common understanding of our fellow man. In this context, we are delighted to be able to support Professor Gad Yair as Visiting Professor of Jewish and Israeli Studies, as his appointment marks a very tangible initiative to foster closer connections between our two parts of the world, both inside and outside the academic community.”
Mr. Richard Elman
Elman Family Foundation
About Elman Family Foundation

The Elman Family Foundation is a vehicle for the family of Mr. Richard Elman to support causes that they particularly believe in. Mr. Elman believes that education is a priority, as money can be lost but nobody can ever take away education.