Lam Woo Foundation Professorship
"There have been tremendous breakthroughs in all fields of technology, engineering, and medicine. Most are due to the wonderful advances in science. We should appreciate what science has done to improve the world and encourage young people to go into scientific research."
Lam Woo Foundation
About Lam Woo Foundation

The Lam Woo Foundation was established in 1986 in memory of the late Mr Lam Woo, a
master builder, philanthropist and devout Christian at the turn of the last century. The funding
was provided from the estate of Mr Lam Woo.

The object of the Foundation is to establish support, maintain, and promote any charity or
charities and non-profit making institutions in Hong Kong and elsewhere in the world for the
advancement of Christian faith, education or learning. It also supports the relief of the poor,
aged, and sick and other charitable and benevolent works.