Dr Chung Sze-Yuen Professorship
This Professorship was established by the University in honor of the late Dr Chung Sze-Yuen, our Founding Council Chairman.

The late Dr Chung Sze-Yuen, GBM, JP was a great man with clear vision. Not only did he oversee the establishment of HKUST, he had served the University Council for more than two decades and played a pivotal role in developing the University into a world-class institution.

The late Dr Chung was the Chairman of HKUST’s Planning Committee in 1986, then as HKUST’s Founding Council Chairman between 1988 and 1999. He then became Chairman of the Court – responsible for raising funds and promoting the University’s interests, until he stepped down in 2008 and retained the title as its Honorary Chairman. He was also Pro-Chancellor at HKUST between 1999 and 2011.