IAS Helmut and Anna Pao Sohmen Professorship-at-Large
"Sohmen family members are currently associated with 20 universities around the world, as graduates, as benefactors, and as members of governing bodies. The family acts in the belief that good education at all levels is instrumental for progress, and that the expansion of opportunities to gather knowledge and understanding is one of the most positive ways to help society at large. We are delighted to congratulate Professor Bright Sheng on joining the HKUST Jockey Club Institute for Advanced Study."
Dr. Helmut Sohmen and Mrs. Anna Pao Sohmen
About BW Group

World-Wide Shipping Group was founded by Sir Yue-Kong Pao in Hong Kong in 1955, and
within 25 years had become the world’s largest privately-owned shipping company. Now styled
“BW Group”, the company has managed to remain one of the leading shipping enterprises in
the global oil and gas tanker business and in offshore production.

Professorship Holder
IAS Helmut and Anna Pao Sohmen Professor-at-Large